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SEL and Creative Journaling

SEL is such a critical component for all classrooms – whether online or in-person. Elizabeth Peterson shows how we can move from SEL to SEAL (Social-Emotional Artistic Learning) through Creative Journaling.

This workshop is part of our SEL and Creative Journaling Pack in the Accelerator Professional Membership.



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Available PD for Members:

1 Hour

More about SEL and Creative Journaling

sel and creative journalingSocial-emotional learning (SEL) connects deeply with what we know is best for our students: building relationships with others and with self. More than ever, our students need support in building their social-emotional skills. But what if we added in the natural connection of the arts? The arts are an avenue towards self-expression, reflection, cooperation, connection, and all of the other components that support SEL.

Elizabeth Peterson, founder of The Inspired Classroom and the developer of SEAL (Social-Emotional Artistic Learning) shares how any teacher can immediately begin to integrate all of the SEL and arts possibilities through Creative Journaling. If you’re nervous to give drawing a try, Elizabeth makes the process simple and shares how to make it meaningful for your students.

This workshop preview is part of our members-only Accelerator workshops. Each month, we release a stack of videos and worksheets to help educators bring inspiring new techniques into their classrooms. Each workshop also provides teachers with a certificate for 1 PD hour.

To download the Creative Journaling guide and access all of the resources, become a member.

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Foundations of Arts Integration