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Collage Techniques for Any Classroom

The collage process includes problem solving and use of imagination. Playing with collage helps students discover the importance of proportion, space and color.

This workshop is part of our Simple and Unique Collage Techniques Pack in the Accelerator Professional Membership.



Suitable For:


Available PD for Members:

1 Hour

More About Collage Techniques

collage techniques for any classroom

Collages are an often overlooked art technique – but why? It’s such an accessible art form. If you’re hoping to integrate more visual art in your teaching, definitely try these collage techniques. It’s simple, effective, and is a great medium for both in-person and online teaching.

Crayons, markers and colored pencils are the most common art supplies in classrooms and homes. Even more collage materials are all around us! Think about all of the junk mail you receive. Those magazines, catalogs and postcards have some very interesting patterns and images.

Exploring this medium is a great way to connect across content areas and bring in creativity at every level.

This workshop preview is part of our members-only Accelerator workshops. Each month, we release a stack of videos and worksheets to help educators bring inspiring new techniques into their classrooms. Each workshop also provides teachers with a certificate for 1 PD hour.

To download the step-by-step Collage techniques guide and access all of the resources, become a member.

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Foundations of Arts Integration