Macabre Stories


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Each year, we feature an arts integration lesson in October that connects in some way to fall celebrations.  In the past, we’ve included lessons on Dios de los Muertos, Fall harvests and Halloween.  This year, we selected the symphonic poem Danse Macabre from composer Camille Saint-Saens to provide inspiration for a spooky third-grade writing and music lesson. Here’s the Macabre Stories Arts Integration Lesson.

Begin by asking students to think of a scary story or a story with a surprise ending. Then, ask students to write down or share the story with a peer sitting close by using only three sentences – the beginning, middle and end of the story. Ask students to think about the stories that they shared or that they heard. What sounds would represent each part of their story? These could be sound effects, instruments, or found sounds (like a door slamming). Ask students to re-tell their story with a new peer using just the sounds they chose for each section. Discuss what was the same and different from the first time you shared the story

Lesson Process:

Step 1: Tell students you are going to play a story for them using only instrument sounds. Using the Active Listening Strategy, try to outline the story being shared. Play Danse Macabre from Camille Saint-Saens.

Step 2: Outline together what you think each instrument represented (a character or a part of the story). Then, using a chart on the board, write down what students think happens at the beginning, middle, and end of the story based on what they heard.

Step 3:  Re-play the piece, but this time, read the story while the music is playing. What was the same and different from the story students thought they heard the first time?

Step 4:  Working in groups of 3, have students combine their original stories to create a new story. Each person contributes to either the beginning, middle or end. Then, create a musical composition using either found sounds or instruments to convey the message of the story.

Time Required:
30-45 minutes

Materials List:


Diagnostic Assessment Checklist.

  • Did students create a cohesive composition with a beginning, middle and end?
  • Did the sound effects selected accurately depict what was happening in the story?