Interpreting Drama


accelerator membership

Lesson Process:

Step 1: Introduce the Actor’s Toolbox to students and go through each tool so that students are familiar with their use.

Step 2: Present a math problem for students that they need to solve without using their voice tools. IE: get yourselves into groups of 3 within 10 seconds. If there is a remaining student(s), ask students what we could do with that remainder. Write their answers on the board.

Step 3:  Present a math lesson on interpreting remainders when dividing. Look at how to do that process and then ask what is reasonable to do with the remainders? Have students solve 2-word problems as a group and 2-word problems independently. Think-pair-share their answers.

Step 4:  Have students gather back together as a group. Have them repeat step 2. This time, students will receive 5 minutes in their groups. They must depict the definition of division with their bodies using the Actor’s Toolbox in some way AND they must use one of the remaining students in their definition depiction. Model this for your students (ie: you stand with your arms straight. A volunteer student stands behind you with their arms in a circle above your head and a volunteer student stands in front of you with their arms in a circle by your feet – you just made the division sign with your bodies).

Step 5:  Have each group present their division definitions using their Actors Tools.

Time Required:
30-45 minutes

Materials List:

  • Actor’s Tools
  • paper, pencils,
  • math books
  • camera


Drama Rubric.

Ask students to reflect on each group’s drama definition. Did they use their Actor’s Tools? Which ones? Did they use the remainder student? If so, was it reasonable? Do their bodies show the definition of division? If groups master all 3 of these, they get full points.