Character Shapes


accelerator membership

Review a series of 2-D geometric shapes (circles, squares, rectangles, etc) and ask students to identify the shape and its defining characteristics (4 lines, 3 lines, curved lines, etc).

Have students use their bodies to create the shapes they previously identified. Then, have them work in teams to create the same shape together. Ask: how was the process similar and different when you had to work with others to create the shape versus working alone?

Lesson Process:

Step 1:  Gather students into groups of 4-6. Assign each group a 2-D shape. Ask students to use their actors’ hats to create the characteristics for their shape in a frozen image. For instance, if a group was given a circle, they will need to show what a circle’s facial expression would look like, what the energy level would be, how it would move, how its voice may sound, and what gesture would best represent a “circle”.

Step 2: After groups present their dramatizations, compare their 2-D shapes with the 3-D equivalencies. Then, ask each group to create a characterization for their shape in its comparable 3-D form and perform it for the class.

Step 3:  Each group presents their 3-D characterizations and this time, the audience will compare the 2-D character to the new 3-D character and provide any insights as to what was the same, what was different, and how the group created the new 3-D

Time Required:
30-45 minutes

Materials List:

  • Examples of 2- dimensional and 3- dimensional figures
  • Open space for movement
  • paper and pencils
  • Computer
  • microphone
  • recording software



Students create an opening scene from a play that introduces the audience to the Geometric Shape Family.

In small groups, students must collaborate and act out a drama that introduces the shapes and their relationships to each other.

Record and assess via a predeveloped rubric.